Home Calculators Gratuity Calculator

What is Gratuity Calculator?

The Gratuity Calculator is a valuable tool that effortlessly calculates the gratuity payable to employees per the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972. Gratuity is a monetary benefit employers give their employees as an expression of thankfulness for their long-term service. It is an essential part of the employee compensation package and is given when someone leaves, retires, or dies and has at least five years of unbroken service with the same employer.

The Gratuity Calculator is a user-friendly online tool that quickly and accurately estimates the gratuity amount employees are eligible to receive. After entering basic salary details, service period, and employment type, the calculator evaluates the gratuity amount according to the prevalent laws and formulas.

This tool is invaluable to workers and employers, who use it to achieve greater transparency and better financial planning.

The formula for Gratuity Calculation

For employees covered under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, the gratuity amount is calculated as:
Gratuity = (Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance) × 15 × Tenure of Service / 26
  • Gratuity = (Basic Salary + Dearness Allowance) × 15 × Tenure of Service / 26 Monthly salary components used for calculation.
  • 15 Represents 15 days of wages for each year of service.
  • Tenure of Service: Total years of continuous service (fractional years above six months are rounded up).
  • 26 Average number of working days in a month.

The calculation method may vary depending on company policies for employees not covered under the Act.

Key Features of the Gratuity Calculator

Quick Calculations:
It produces immediate final numbers by processing only the input details required.
Accurate Estimation:
The instrument performs precise calculations based on legal formulas and guidelines.
Customizable Inputs:
You can make changes if you do not like some system elements, such as splitting the salary components or the service duration.
User-Friendly Interface:
Calculation has been logically reduced to simple steps and can be completed by anyone who doesn't possess knowledge in the area of finance.

Benefits of Using the Gratuity Calculator

The employer can comply by informing the employees of their rights and making them aware of the laws.
Financial Planning:
Help the employees to factor the gratuity benefit with their future money targets.
The manual calculation is eliminated; thus, the errors are minimized.
Compliance Check:
This calculator's functions allow employers to calculate the correct gratuity amount and follow the rules quickly.

How to Use the Gratuity Calculator

Input Basic Salary and DA:
Insert the monthly basic salary and dearness allowance (if available).
Enter Tenure of Service:
To find the employee's tenure, give me the total continuous years of service.
Select Coverage Type:
Write whether the employee is included under the Gratuity Act.
View Results:
You will be shown the amount of gratuity to be paid by the calculator immediately.

The gratuity calculator is necessary to understand gratuity payouts, ensure compliance, and help with financial planning. This gadget is equally beneficial for the employee as a way of approximating their future benefits and for the employer as the only sure way to build a simple gratuity file system.


The data and information provided in this calculator are from reliable sources, but we make no guarantees about its accuracy or completeness. We are not responsible for any loss or actions based on this information. Users should verify the contents independently.

Investments in mutual funds are sensitive to market risks. Always consult with your mutual fund advisor before investing.


What is a gratuity calculator?
Who is eligible for gratuity?
How is gratuity calculated for employees not covered under the Act?
Is gratuity taxable?
Can employers offer more than the statutory gratuity?