Future Value Estimation:
The calculator allows users to predict how their investments can grow through the information about the relative importance of the mutual funds' contribution to the development of their portfolios over time and the redistribution of the portfolios, which are the funds available now.
Investment Strategy:
By trying out different investment scenarios, users can evaluate the effect of the changes in the variables, such as increasing their monthly contributions or adjusting the expected return rate. This tool, thus, is used to shape a more viable investment strategy.
Goal Planning:
Investors can now link their monthly/quarterly/annual mutual fund investments to the specified financial goals, such as funding the education of their children, retirement, or other significant expenses. Using the calculator to demonstrate how much to invest, the calculator aids the user in setting input targets for each month or week needed to reach the final goal.
Comparison of Funds:
The user can create comparison charts and select funds to include them. Inexperienced investors can conclude which funds have the most favorable terms or will be most beneficial for them.